
We Help Tenants Become Homeowners, You Can Help Too!

Published by Peace River Lease Option Ltd. on

In 2018 we launched a Rent to Own program and began helping people become home owners. 

The Tenant’s Conundrum 

Many tenants experience a frustrating time period where they have a good job and can afford to make a house payment, but still have to live in a rental until they have been at their job long enough to establish work history, build up credit, and save a downpayment.

Often they don’t even know what they need to be doing until they apply for a mortgage on a house they want to buy, only to find out what they could or should have been working on the last few years, to prepare. 

And living in a rental isn’t always convenient, especially if they are trying to save a downpayment while rent and house prices are increasing. Or trying to settle down and raise a family when their landlord decides to up and sell the home, forcing them to move again!

Imagine for a minute how excited these people are when we hand them the keys and they get to move into a house they will soon own!

Tenant to Tenant Buyer

Our Tenants (Tenant Buyers) are people who have good jobs and want to be homeowners but can’t qualify for a mortgage yet. We help them figure out what they will need to do to get a mortgage, determine a budget, and find a house they would like to buy.

Once our Tenant Buyer finds a house they like, we partner with investors to buy it for them. The Tenant Buyer then moves in, and rents until they can qualify for their own mortgage and buy it from us! 

They can personalize their home and make updates, while their rent and purchase prices are fixed for a long enough term they can build their income history, credit and downpayment needed to qualify for their mortgage and successfully complete the program. 

Now they can settle down and start enjoying many of the benefits of owning a home without waiting until they can get approved for a mortgage.

The perfect match

So if you think about it, we have Tenant Buyers wanting to become home owners so they can settle down in a house they know is longterm, upkeep it as their own personal home, and are motivated to pay all of their bills on time so they can build perfect credit history for their upcoming mortgage application.

And we have investors who want good tenants who will stay long term, look after the property like it is their own, and pay rent on time.

Our Tenant Buyers and Investing Partners want the same things, and all I’ll say is, our current clients and partners are both incredibly pleased with the arrangement!

So where do you come into this?

As the demand for our rent to own program grows, we are looking for a few more good people who are not only looking for great investment opportunities, but who also want to pay success forward and would like to play a part in helping our Tenant Buyers become home owners.

People who have thought about investing in a great rental property can redirect their ability to helping people become homeowners!

If you know anyone who might be interested, tell them about our program and see if it’s okay for us to connect with them!

Then send me their contact info so we can get in touch and share the specifics.

Thank you,


Owner/Director Peace River Lease Option



Categories: Uncategorized


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